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Saturday, October 31, 2009

3D Digital Arrow Graffiti Alphabet White Red Style

3D Digital Arrow Graffiti Alphabet White Red Style,How to make 3D Digital Arrow Graffiti Alphabet,namely by using spray paint and the media to make it.



Graffiti Tagging Blue Style Color

Graffiti TaggingGraffiti Tagging Blue Style Color



The first step provide equipment such as: paper, colored pencils, colored pens. The second step sketch graffiti alphabet according to theme, style and type of graffiti that you will make. Examples of graffiti-style art, digital graffiti, graffiti Murals, graffiti and graffiti bubble letters. The third step color sketch graffiti alphabets with a pencil to color. A variety of ways to make graffiti alphabet in the world. One example of the graffiti alphabet in this paper. Good luck hope to benefit.


Graffiti Alphabets Black And White

Design style graffiti alphabet such as stack and digital graffiti. Tag graffiti alphabet a-z cool design. Can you make an example of making graffiti letter alphabet.


KING GRAFFITI ALPHABETS >> New Graffiti Alphabet

Design and drawing graffiti alphabet, so wearing the royal crown on the king called graffiti alphabets. Beautiful graffiti design.

How to make graffiti alphabets? By using spray paint, etching, and masks. The main capital is the art that is in us. We can develop the art of graffiti alphabets so that we make the results would be lovely, interesting and amazing.

Gold Graffiti Bubble New York City


graffiti bubble
graffiti bubble letter
graffiti letters,new york graffiti
Gold Graffiti Bubble New York City

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Graffiti Alphabet Bubble "Arabic" Fonts Style

Graffiti Alphabet BubbleGraffiti Alphabet Bubble "Arabic" Fonts Style
Graffiti Alphabet Bubble "Arabic" Style Fonts, Graffiti Bubble is made by letters such as Arabic. How to make Bubble Graffiti is by using some markers and paint on the walls.

Mermaids: People in the Mix

The land of the mermaids received a visit by some little people. Find out more about the little people at Personne Trouve.

Wow: Whale Photography

Via HuffPost, a gorgeous gallery of whale photos from Bryant Austin. The photographer is known for taking spectacular photos of endangered species, bringing awareness to their plight with the Marine Mammal Conservation Through The Arts. (Poster pictured above comes from the site, where you can find out more and donate to the cause.)

Graffiti Light Tagging Full Color

Graffiti Light TaggingGraffiti Light Tagging Full Color


Motif Mataram

Motif Pejajaran

MOTIF UKIRAN yang ada di Indonesia memiliki kekayaan corak yang beraneka ragam. Bentuk-bentuk motif ukiran yang beraneka ragam tersebut masing-masing memiliki ciri khas tersendiri sesuai dengan daerahnya. Untuk mengenal dan mengetahui motif tradisional tersebut, haruslah melihat bentuk-bentuk dan ciri pada setiap jenis motif ukiran itu sendiri.
Nama-nama motif khas tradisional Jawa erat hubungannya dengan pemberian nama-nama kerajaan yang pernah ada di Jawa. Dapat diperkirakan MOTIF UKIRAN tersebut merupakan peninggalan masa kerajaan maupun raja-raja yang mempunyai kemajuan kebudayaan pada jaman itu.
Motif ukiran JAWA ini bentuknya lemah gemulai, berirama dengan gayanya yang luwes, agung dan berwibawa, seolah-olah menggambarkan watak sang raja dan masyarakatnya pada saat itu. Masyarakat yang mempunyai dinamika kehidupan sosial yang harmonis dengan dipadukan kemajuan hasil budaya yang telah diraih pada masa kehidupan kerajaan tersebut. Gambaran kehidupan tersebut diubah menjadi simbol-simbol hasil karya seni rupa yang mempunyai nilai estetika yang sangat tinggi dan mempunyai makna yang sangat mendalam. Makna inilah yang selalu terbawa secara turun temurun dan kemudian dikembangkan oleh generasi berikutnya. Makna menjadi suatu mitos yang dibawa dan dianut maupun dipercaya untuk selalu diberikan secara turun temurun dengan menyisipkan pesan moral yang terselubung dalam bentuk karya ukiran tradisional.
Adapun motif tradisional Jawa yang ada hubungannya dengan nama-nama kerajaan, diantaranya adalah:
  • Motif Pejajaran
  • Motif Mataram
  • Motif Majapahit
  • Motif Bali
Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya dikenal pula, beberapa motif bercorak khas kedaerahan seperti misalnya:
  • Motif Jepara
  • Motif Madura
  • Motif Cirebon
  • Motif Pekalongan
  • Motif Yogyakarta
  • Motif Surakarta
  • Motif Semarangan
Di samping nama motif yang sesuai dengan nama kerajaan dan nama khas kedaerahan, di dalam perkembangan berikutnya mulai dikenal motif-motif yang dipengaruhi oleh hal-hal yang sifatnya umum, misalnya:
  • Motif Teratai
  • Motif Awan
  • Motif Karang
  • Motif Kembang Cengkih
  • Motif Bunga, Buah dan sebagainya.

Stack Graffiti Art Alphabets

Stack Graffiti Art Alphabets
Stack Graffiti Art Alphabets >> Graffiti Alphabet Cool

Alphabets graffiti art with colorful stack. Stack graffiti design colorful and beautiful. The best graffiti in the staining for cool and beautiful in look.

Graffiti Alphabet Stack

Graffiti Alphabet Stack
Graffiti Alphabet Stack. Stack graffiti designs in black and white colors. Usual graffiti alphabets made in wall street or public place.



Graffiti alphabets letter A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z colors. Graffiti style alphabet A-Z colorful bubble. Bubble graffiti cool. How to make graffiti bubble a-z? By using a quality spray paint to color the good produced. Do not forget to wear a mask to your health maintained. Sketch graffiti fonts and spray paint. Good luck if you can not clearly read the guide or tutorial to make graffiti.

Train Graffiti Bubble Letters Cope


graffiti bubble letters
Train Graffiti Bubble Letters Cope

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Graffiti Alphabet Bubble "BATEIS" Fonts Design

Graffiti Alphabet BubbleGraffiti Alphabet Bubble "BATEIS" Fonts Design

Graffiti Letters R Style Digital

letters R alphabet, graffiti fonts
Graffiti Letters R Alphabet Fonts

Graffiti Fonts Pink J Color

graffiti pink j, letters alphabet
Graffiti Pink J alhpabet Fonts

F Graffiti Letters Alphabet

f letters alphabet
Graffiti F Letters
Graffiti letters alphabet design very interested. use pink color and light blue color make this graffiti elegant style. Save this graffiti for your collect in PC.

Light Graffiti Tagging Blue Color Style

Light Graffiti TaggingLight Graffiti Tagging Blue Color Style

Laser Graffiti Tagging in Building

Laser Graffiti TaggingLaser Graffiti Tagging in Building
Laser Tag Graffiti is graffiti laser. How do I create one that is by using the laser to emit a Graffiti Tag Building.Laser is also one of the very phenomenon of graffiti.

Graffiti Tagging Taxonomy Font Style

graffiti taggingGraffiti Tagging Taxonomy Font Style
Tagging Graffiti Style Fonts Taxonomy This is one of the fonts used to create graffiti tagging.

Graffiti Tagging in Wall Home

Graffiti TaggingGraffiti Tagging in Wall Home

Amazing Graffiti Alphabet Creator Tagging

Amazing Graffiti Alphabet Creator Tagging Amazing Graffiti Alphabet Creator Tagging

Graffiti Tagging "Atlas" Red Style Fonts

Graffiti TaggingGraffiti Tagging "Atlas" Red Style Fonts


Stilasi daun pada motif ukiran tradisional Jawa

Penekanan gambar untuk stilasi daun motif tradisional Jawa

Stilasi bunga motif tradisional Jawa

Contoh lain untuk stilasi daun

Contoh lain untuk stilasi bunga

Stilasi Binatang

Stilasi Buah

Stilasi Buah

Gambar merupakan karya seni rupa dua dimensional yang lebih menekankan pada penguasaan teknik yang sangat matang. Dalam gambar teknik lebih diutamakan dibandingkan kebebasan berekspresi seperti halnya seni lukis. Gambar mempunyai kecenderungan untuk meniru objek secara apa adanya. Gambar adalah proses mimikri, seperti yang dikatakan oleh Plato. Mimikri mempunyai arti meniru dan mencontoh sesuai objek yang sebenarnya. Perkembangan berikutnya gambar dapat digolongkan menjadi beberapa bagian, diantaranya adalah gambar bentuk, gambar model, gambar ilustrasi atau gambar-gambar lain yang bersifat kedaerahan maupun yang berdasarkan penggolongan era tertentu.
Gambar Stilasi merupakan salah satu jenis yang masuk dalam kategori penggolongan gambar tersebut. Gambar stilasi dibuat dengan cara mengubah yaitu dengan langkah menyederhanakan bentuk aslinya menjadi bentuk gambar lain yang dikehendaki. Gambar stilasi contohnya seperti gambar motif ukiran. Gambar motif ukiran yang didapat dari hasil stilasi bentuk alami tersebut dimaksudkan sebagai hiasan dengan gaya dan irama tersendiri. Penerapan hasil stilasi menjadi motif ukiran pada suatu benda banyak dipengaruhi oleh bentuk-bentuk ikal atau spiral, bentuk yang berpilin-pilin dan saling jalin menjalin disamping garis-garis yang berfungsi sebagai pecahan yang serasi. Gambar motif stilasi dapat dilihat contohnya di atas penulisan artikel ini. Stilasi di atas menunjukkan beberapa jenis stilasi misalnya seperti stilasi daun, stilasi bunga, stilasi buah, stilasi binatang dan lain-lainnya. Unsur di atas hanyalah bagian stilasi motif ukiran tradisional Jawa.

Graffiti Alphabet Letters

Graffiti Alphabet LettersGraffiti Alphabet Letters: New Digital Graffiti Alphabet

Graffiti design beautiful and good as digital graffiti style alphabet letters A-Z. Graffiti alphabet color of blood red and black. Using 3 styles of digital graffiti alphabet, tribal and simple fonts. Consists of the letter: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z cool graffiti alphabet example. How to create digital graffiti alphabet? By using the latest version of Adobe's phothoshop. You can download here as well.

Alphabet in Bubble Graffiti Letters

Alphabet in Bubble Graffiti Letters
Alphabet in Bubble Graffiti Letters: New Graffiti Bubble >> Style Graffiti Alphabets

Design alphabet bubble graffiti letters black. How to make beautiful graffiti bubble as in the example design above graffiti alphabet? By using spray paint and sketch for a good result. Do not forget to wear a mask in order to awake the health of the alphabet graffiti spray paint.

How To Make Green Graffiti Alphabet

How To Make Green Graffiti AlphabetHow To Make Green Graffiti Alphabet: Graffiti Alphabet Creator

Graffiti art is to create beautiful paintings on the wall. Green graffiti alphabet example above is a picture of graffiti that was created by the artist. By using green spray paint and black.

New York City Graffiti Bubble Letters


graffiti letters
New York City Graffiti Bubble Letters

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Yellow-Pink Graffiti Alphabet Bubble "FLOP"

graffiti alphabet,graffiti art,graffiti bubble
Yellow-Pink Graffiti Alphabet Bubble "FLOP"

Please, give your comment about this picture graffiti, Thanks....

Yoga for Surfers Tip: Down Dog Done Right

Our friend Peggy Hall, of "Yoga for Surfers" fame, emailed a tip on getting Downward Facing Dog just right. It's the pose of poses for yoga devotees and worth mastering. Here's her video on Down Dog 101.--Stef McDonald

Halloween Treat: Mallomar Lollipop

Every fall, a package arrives on my doorstep from New York -- sent by my mom -- and it contains a box (or two or three) of Mallomars. It's always a good day. The cookie is not sold during the hot and muggy summer months and I've discovered it's hard to find the cookies at all in Southern California. Mallomars are like the cookie version of s'mores: marshmallow, chocolate, graham cracker. Yum, yum, yum. I have not attempted to create my own version of the cookie yet, but I'm going to start with a Mallomar lollipop (pictured). This delicious bite-sized confection came in a package of chocolate treats that was sent to the office this week and I'm going to try my own version for a Halloween party this weekend. Pre-making them like this, I'll call it a Mallomar Lollipop. If I bring out the fondue set for guests to make them to order so they're warm and gooey, they'll be S'more Lollipops.

Jimi Hendrix Graffiti Tagging Lighting

Jimi Hendrix Graffiti Tagging LightingJimi Hendrix Graffiti Tagging Lighting

Funny Graffiti Alphabet Tagging

Graffiti Alphabet TaggingFunny Graffiti Alphabet Tagging

3D Graffiti Alphabets

3D Graffiti Alphabets3D Graffiti Alphabets. Beautiful graffiti alphabets. 3D alphabet graffiti style. How to make graffiti alphabets? By providing the first tool, masks and spray paint. Preliminary sketches and create a graffiti alphabets on the wall. Please try to hopefully useful.

Graffiti Lettering Styles in Alphabet Color

Graffiti Lettering Styles in Alphabet ColorGraffiti Lettering Styles in Alphabet Color

Graffiti style alphabet is a 3D simple but stunning design. Cool alphabet graffiti designs and beautiful. Graffiti art created by professional artists. The result was beautiful graffiti as an example in the picture above graffiti alphabet.

Purple Graffiti Alphabets

Purple Graffiti Alphabets

Graffiti alphabets purple design. Graffiti alphabet letters A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q S R T U V W X Y Z. Graffiti alphabet poster for children's learning. New-Graffiti Alphabets A-Z.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Recyling Jeans

I've always been a Levi's jeans girl and loved back-to-school shopping because it meant a new pair of Levi's jeans and a pair of cords. I still wear my favorite pair of 501s from high school (faded now to white and long ago transformed into a pair of cut-offs) and, even with a shelf full of denim options, I favor the skinny pair I have from their Levi's Eco collection, made from organic cotton. Two new cheers go to Levi's for encouraging wearers to line dry (to save energy) and donate unwanted jeans to thrift stores (to prevent overfilling of landfills).

Stack Graffiti Alphabet "Rajawali"

graffiti art,graffiti alphabet,graffiti murals
Stack Graffiti Alphabet "Rajawali"

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