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Monday, January 26, 2009

Shaking and Cleaning House

The earthquake on Friday evening was listed as minor (it measured 3.4) but because its center was so close to my proximity, it felt bigger than any I'd felt before. Despite the fact that there was no damage, I awoke on Saturday morning with a strong desire to clean house. First, to literally clean. Then, to purge. I get this purge urge every January because I invariably acquire a lot during the holiday season and I realize I have more than I need, but the earthquake made me more willing to literally shake things up. The most challenging area for me is the closet and I need to force myself to answer the tough questions: Do I love it? Need it? Does it have a good purpose? Good value? I’ve had to figure out ways to feel good about the decision to either get rid of a piece or give new life to it and wrote a piece for Sprig on cleaning out your closet the eco way by reducing (donating, selling, swapping), reusing (repairing, reworking) and recycling.

A clip about shaking things up:

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