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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Here Comes the Sun: Beatles, Apple, Etsy

Upcyled shirt from 

I've had "Here Comes the Sun" by the Beatles stuck in my head since the news that Apple finally got the Beatles collection for iTunes and it inspired me to create a sun-themed Etsy treasury. The song is one of my favorites and the one I chose to learn when I took a singing class (brilliantly called "Singing for People Who Think They Can't") in New York several years ago, which makes it one of the few songs I feel confident singing around a camp fire (or in the living room when my musically gifted friends pull out the guitars). Not in the Etsy treasury (because I save self-promotion for here) is the pictured Coppertone upcycled shirt, remade by me with scissors and some needle and thread.

I couldn't find a video online of the Beatles performing the song live, but here's George Harrison singing it at the concert for Bangladesh.

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